Before the Pandemic
The Science of Happiness by Berkeley University - My first-free course online experience. I did not complete it because work took my time. I am retaking the course soon.
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The Science of Cooking by Harvard University - Took the first lessons, but there was so much math and chemistry I needed to review, I dropped the course. I hope to re-take it with my husband when he has more time. He is a good cook and loves math and science.
During the Lockdown
First Coursera Online Course: Free Contact Tracer Coursera Course from John Hopkins University: Got a certificate, courtesy of Mr. Bloomberg, and learned about the virus and contact tracing. My conclusions:
a. Information was being provided as health experts were themselves learning about the virus.
b. The most effective way to do contact tracing was going to be by electronic means, but the USA was not ready for it because the misinformation about the danger of losing privacy and increasing governmental control hindered efforts to use this method for virus spreading prevention and control.
c. If people are so worried about governmental control, they should not own a cell phone or Fit Bits. We already have to live with chips that help us be healthier.
During the Pandemic
Climate Action Project Challenge: Took the challenge to learn about climate change to be a good ancestor to my grandchildren. My goal was to learn as I was creating lessons to share with my toddler grandchildren who are attending a Farm School and love the outdoors and animals. I created a
Google Classroom-Climate Action Project Challenge-Roots and Shoots for my grandchildren which I will be sharing with them as they grow-up and I become more knowledgeable about this subject area.
Daniel Tiger Pandemic Emotions Challenge: Took the challenge to try to help my grandchildren cope with the emotional rollercoaster the pandemic brought to their lives. I learned about the wonderful resources available from PBS for teachers, parents, and grandparents.
Second Coursera Course: Music for Wellness. Finished the course but did not get a certificate as I took it for the pleasure of learning about this topic.
Third Coursera Course: Introduccion a la Guitarra. Inspired by Music For Wellness, I decided to bring my guitar from the corner where it had been for years. I am on my second week of this course. I took the course in Spanish to expand my music knowledge and Spanish-English vocabulary. I hope to give back to Coursera by becoming a translator for future courses.
Fourth Coursera Course: Learning How to Teach Online. As a retired teacher, I have to keep up with how education is changing during the pandemic. I also hope to learn how to connect more interactively with my grandchildren virtually.
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